EM 681
Microphone module with a universal microphone, 1 LED button and 1 large red mushroom button imprinted with “SOS” for series EE 8000 industrial Intercom stations. The two buttons can be programmed for various functions.

Data Sheet EE8000 - V1.0-0914 - Russian
Data Sheet EE8000 - V2.5-0125 - German
Short Reference MBIND - V1.0-1011
Short Reference Mountingcablegland/MontageKabelverschraubung - V1.2-1218
EU-Declaration EE8106M.CRev.BD - V0818
EU-Declaration EM602Rev.BA - V0523
EU-Declaration EM603Rev.BA - V0523
EU-Declaration EM605Rev.BA - V0523
EU-Declaration EM606Rev.BA - V0523
EU-Declaration EM650Rev.BA - V0523
EU-Declaration EM660.CRev.BB - V0523
EU-Declaration EM680.CRev.BA - V0523
EU-Declaration EM681.CRev.BA - V0523
EU-Declaration EM6B0.CRev.BB - V0523