EM 650
Loudspeaker module for series EE 8000 industrial Intercom stations offering a high sound pressure level and an excellent intelligibility of speech. 15 W output power; sound pressure level 96 dB/1 W/1 m/1 kHz; impedance 8 Ω.

Data Sheet EE8000 - V1.0-0914 - Russian
Data Sheet EE8000 - V2.5-0125 - German
Short Reference MBIND - V1.0-1011
Short Reference Mountingcablegland/MontageKabelverschraubung - V1.2-1218
EU-Declaration EE8106M - VRev. BD-0818
EU-Declaration EM602 - VRev. BA-0523
EU-Declaration EM603 - VRev. BA-0523
EU-Declaration EM605 - VRev. BA-0523
EU-Declaration EM606 - VRev. BA-0523
EU-Declaration EM650 - VRev. BA-0523
EU-Declaration EM660 - VRev. BB-0523
EU-Declaration EM680 - VRev. BA-0523
EU-Declaration EM681 - VRev. BA-0523
EU-Declaration EM6B0 - VRev. BB-0523