Commend Мировой

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  • Commend Austria & CEEАвстрии и Центрально-Восточной Европы (ЦВЕ)
  • German
  • English
  • Commend BeneluxНидерланды, Бельгия
  • English
  • Commend Austria & CEEАвстрии и Центрально-Восточной Европы (ЦВЕ)
  • English
  • Commend AdriaХорватия, Босния и Герцеговина, Сербия
  • English
  • Commend SlovakiaСловакия, Чехия
  • English
  • Commend NordicДания, Исландия, Норвегия, Финляндия, Швеция
  • English
  • Commend NordicДания, Исландия, Норвегия, Финляндия, Швеция
  • English
  • Commend HungaryВаш местный партнер в Венгрии
  • Hungarian
  • Commend NordicsДания, Исландия, Норвегия, Финляндия, Швеция
  • English
  • Commend UKВеликобритания, Ирландия
  • English
  • Commend BeneluxНидерланды, Бельгия
  • English
  • Commend NordicДания, Исландия, Норвегия, Финляндия, Швеция
  • English
  • C&C PartnersПольша, Эстония, Латвия, Литва
  • English
  • Commend IbèricaИспания, Португалия
  • Spanish
  • Commend Austria & CEEАвстрии и Центрально-Восточной Европы (ЦВЕ)
  • English
  • Commend SlovakiaСловакия, Чехия
  • English
  • Commend Austria & CEEАвстрии и Центрально-Восточной Европы (ЦВЕ)
  • English
  • Commend IbèricaИспания, Португалия
  • Spanish
  • Commend NordicДания, Исландия, Норвегия, Финляндия, Швеция
  • English
  • EFB Elektronik TürkiyeТурция
  • English
  • Commend Austria & CEEАвстрии и Центрально-Восточной Европы (ЦВЕ)
  • English
  • Commend UKВеликобритания, Ирландия
  • English (GB)
  • Commend Middle EastОАЭ, Левант, страны Персидского залива
  • English
  • Commend Middle EastСаудовская Аравия, Левант, ОАЭ
  • English
  • Commend Middle EastОАЭ, Левант, страны Персидского залива
  • English
  • Commend InternationalGlobal Website
  • English
  • Evolving Management Solutions (PTY)南非
  • English
  • TKHSAAИндонезия, Малайзия, Филиппины, Сингапур, Южная Корея, Тайвань, Таиланд
  • English
  • Commend AustraliaАвстралия, Новая Зеландия
  • English
  • Commend Middle AsiaКазахстан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан и Узбекистан
  • English
  • Russian
  • Commend AustraliaАвстралия, Новая Зеландия
  • English
  • TKHSAAИндонезия, Малайзия, Филиппины, Сингапур, Южная Корея, Тайвань, Таиланд
  • English
  • TKHSAAИндонезия, Малайзия, Филиппины, Сингапур, Южная Корея, Тайвань, Таиланд
  • English
  • TKHSAAИндонезия, Малайзия, Филиппины, Сингапур, Южная Корея, Тайвань, Таиланд
  • English
  • Commend Middle AsiaКазахстан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан и Узбекистан
  • English
  • Commend Middle AsiaКазахстан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан и Узбекистан
  • English

Why Commend?




Inspired by our customers’ voice,
dedicated to excellent trusted communication.


Our daily drive

Our "Why" extends far beyond the simple question, "Why should I buy from Commend?". It's about a deep understanding of "Why do we do what we do?". It's about the shared driving force that motivates every employee at Commend. It's a collective vision that inspires us to think beyond and create a future we're excited about.

Our "Why" gives us a shared direction and fosters a culture of collaboration, where everyone can contribute to fulfilling Commend's mission. It's the core that drives our company and gives it its identity.

Our Mindset

The Commend management team, who as such is responsible for the holistic development of the Commend Group, lives this "why" with passion and vision. This holistic approach makes Commend a pioneer in its sectors and actively shapes a successful and sustainable future.

CEO Commend Group

Martin Gross

Partnership means the world to us, both within our group of companies as well as in our strategic partnerships and with international key accounts. We recognize the power of unity and strengthen our position through close cooperation. Shared goals and values form a strong foundation for long-term collaborations that drive the success of all parties involved. This approach isn't just about doing business; it's about creating a thriving ecosystem where everyone's growth is connected.

COO & CTO Commend International

Gerhard Sigl

Operationally, we stand out through a high degree of innovative thinking and an agile mindset. We are pioneers in digitalization, leveraging it as an opportunity to continuously evolve. A culture of embracing mistakes, grounded in learning and growth, encourages us to boldly break new grounds and step out of our comfort zone.

CFO Commend Group

Markus Seidl

From an economic perspective, we create space for growth by establishing the right conditions and driving the success of our businesses. We do this by embracing a value system that places ethical behavior and sustainable business practices at its heart.

Our Actions

How do we express our Why? It's simple, through our actions. This gives insight into the deep-rooted motivations and values, and the purpose that drives us. Dive with us into the essence of what makes us tick and why we do what we do. Discover more about the passion behind it, the beliefs that shape our actions, and the impact we aim to make in the world.

In our customer relations

We listen closely and draw inspiration from what our customers have to say. About the challenges they face. Where their unique problems lie, for which they need excellent, reliable communication solutions. That's what drives us.

Because when every single second counts, people need technology that doesn't just work, but is 100% reliable - anywhere, anytime, around the clock. And since every word that is spoken is crucial, everything speaks for Commend. But selling a solution is always just the beginning of an exciting journey! Just as our solutions and products are designed for long-term reliability, so should our customer relationships be: reliable, excellent, and sustainable. And of course, beneficial for both sides.

In Purchasing

Our "Why" shapes the way we handle supply chains. We place great emphasis on transparency and sustainability throughout the entire supply chain. By adopting responsible sourcing practices, we help raise social and environmental standards across the industry and strengthen our customers' trust in our products.

In the Production

Our "Why" leads to a strong commitment to efficiency, quality, and local sourcing. We are constantly optimizing our processes to work efficiently and cost-effectively, without compromising on quality. At the same time, we rely on local suppliers and partners to strengthen the local economy and build sustainable supply chains. Our products stand for outstanding quality, and we always strive to exceed our customers' expectations.

In Research & Development

In navigating the waves of development trends, we embody our "Why" by actively tracking and incorporating these trends into our development processes. Our focus is on anticipating our customers' needs early on and crafting innovative solutions that not only meet but exceed their expectations. Throughout this journey, we always keep our long-term objectives in sight, ensuring that our products are future-proof and sustainable.

In Product Management

Our "why" is also reflected in our corporate culture of innovation. We encourage our teams to think creatively and push forward new ideas. We value an agile mindset that creates space for experimentation and taking risks. Through continuous learning and the willingness to learn from mistakes, we consistently enable ground-breaking innovations that offer real added value to our customers.

In Talent Management

The "why" is reflected in our respectful and cooperative interactions with one another. We set a high value on open communication that encourages the exchange of ideas and the sharing of knowledge. We support each other and work together as a team to achieve common goals. In doing so, we create a positive working atmosphere in which each individual is valued and can develop their full potential. Our "Why" reminds us that as colleagues we play a vital role and work together to drive the success of the company.