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  • Commend Austria & CEEАвстрии и Центрально-Восточной Европы (ЦВЕ)
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  • TKHSAAИндонезия, Малайзия, Филиппины, Сингапур, Южная Корея, Тайвань, Таиланд
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  • TKHSAAИндонезия, Малайзия, Филиппины, Сингапур, Южная Корея, Тайвань, Таиланд
  • English
  • TKHSAAИндонезия, Малайзия, Филиппины, Сингапур, Южная Корея, Тайвань, Таиланд
  • English
  • Commend Middle AsiaКазахстан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан и Узбекистан
  • English
  • Commend Middle AsiaКазахстан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Туркменистан и Узбекистан
  • English

Indoor Touchscreen


A Concert of Security
and Efficiency

Concerto indoor Intercom stations with Touchscreen enable powerful communication for enhanced security in a timeless design. The high-quality Intercom stations are made from refined materials such as glass, highgrade steel and aluminium.

They are serving as digital guardians, digital helpers and daily companions for modern buildings, smart cities, public transport and even industry.

Touchscreens are the new modularity

With various layouts supplied or defined by the user, the user interface can be tailored exactly to the application - whether at the door, as an information or emergency call terminal, control desk or simply as an intercom for internal communication.

In addition, functions such as "Advertising Mode" or "Emergency Mode" provide considerable added value.

From wallmount to desktop applications

id5 and id8 intercom stations can be used on the wall as well as on desks and control centres. The base stations can be flexibly combined with desk kits, handsets, goosenecks and the id8 can also be equipped with up to 5 direct dialling button modules.


Control Desk Feature

Switching Call Queues

Switching call queues provides full control in case of critical events and makes it possible for the operator to divide the workload among multiple operators.

Control Desk Feature

Call Priorities

This enables the operator to differentiate between critical calls, like life safety, and other calls like a normal door call or an info request. This makes daily operations more efficient and saves a lot of time especially in case of life threatening events.


id5 Launch Presentation

id5 was the first masterpiece of Commend's new Concerto series and was launched in 2018. Watch the launch presentation video with the initial user interface.


Favourites can be placed on the home screen for fast access to contacts or functions such as opening doors/barriers, public address system, automatic voice announcement, etc. The view is adapted to the respective application, whether as a control desk, an intercom station or as an information and emergency call station - see the following options.

Contact Management Layout

How do I find and contact a specific person in the building? This is where Contact Management helps as a digital concierge. Not only companies/tenants and persons can be displayed, but also entire organisation structures including departments and teams. Details of companies/tenants/employees/persons such as building, floor, door, etc. can be displayed. In addition, central contacts such as the reception or the emergency call can be specified.

Door Layout

Indoor Touchscreen Stations can be used as door stations too. These layouts focuses on the brands of companies but can also be used to visualise other topics – e.g. images of the different buildings or to represent departments.

ADA/DDA Compliant Communication for Accessibility

To support people with hearing impairment, touchscreen intercom stations can be ordered with an optional induction loop amplifier. Pictograms on the screens help with operation.

Advertising Mode

The brilliant displays are also suitable for showing advertisements or promoting the company's image. This function can also be used to display important information and notices. Several images can be shown in a slideshow with a defined time.

Emergency Mode

Display important information like escape route, current position and offer call possibilities in emergency situations.