For over 50 years, Commend has been a trusted partner for Control Desk Solutions, providing solutions to support customers in their daily tasks. The Symphony Control Desk, combines the power of Symphony touch devices with the insights from multiple usability tests to create an improved control room experience that is tailored to the needs of an operator.

The new Symphony Control Desk – Intuitive, Efficient, and Cyber Secure
Control rooms worldwide face the problem of varying call requests. The Symphony Control Desk offers up to 10 programable call queues to separate calls based on country of origin, support level, or front/back office. A crisis situation can be addressed quickly with the ability to subscribe to a different queue directly on the device.
The amount of incoming calls can be tremendous, but not all have same priority. Most systems separate emergency from standard calls, but in many cases, this is not enough. We provide up to five call priorities, that allow, for example to differentiate between situations concerning life safety and machine faults.
When multiple emergency calls arrive at one control desk simultaneously, the Symphony Control Desk allows calls to be quickly forwarded to another call queue with just a few clicks. This enables colleagues at another location to answer the call, resulting in significantly improved response times and ensuring customers receive the best possible support.

Usually, you simply answer a call and talk to the person on the other end. But what happens if an emergency call or a call with a higher priority suddenly comes in during the conversation? In this case, you can put the call back in the call queue and park it there so that another control centre staff member can take the call or you can pick it up again later.
Good visualisation is crucial to increase user-friendliness for control centre staff. It is particularly important to quickly identify the priority of an incoming call. Because depending on the urgency of the request, the staff member must act immediately or can put the call on hold. Our new design makes it possible to see at a glance whether it is an emergency call, a call with high, medium or low priority or a standard call.
The integration of Symphony call requests in a classic control desk opens up new possibilities. The simultaneous display on both control desks makes it possible to use the advanced functions of the classic system in combination with our new call requests. With this integration, one can make the call management process more efficient while taking advantage of both systems.
In case of a crisis, control desks must reliably support the operator. But cyber attacks like hacking and denial of service pose a large threat. The new Symphony Control Desk is the first cyber secure control desk solution whereby data and connections are encrypted and even in case of a required reboot, all calls are directly reinitiated.
For more general information about our control desk solutions, take a look at this website: