How talking cameras make cities safer
Safe and Smart City SolutionsSafety for the city in sound and vision
In many city centres, they have long been part of the familiar street scene: cameras that keep a constant watchful eye on the city in the service of security. The controlling video management systems behind them use growing artificial intelligence to automatically analyse and recognise various situations and report special incidents to the responsible control centre as needed. With recording and playback functions, they also provide important services for security experts when it comes to situation assessment and preservation of evidence.

Threat identified, now what?
Alarm! At the control centre, staff on duty can follow the situation via video surveillance and mobilise security forces - until they arrive on site, they have to stand idly by. If only they could intervene or warn! But how?
Do not wait until something happens
When it comes to the safety of people or property, the camera view alone is often not enough. Especially in critical situations, complementary listening and, above all, being heard, as well as active intervention through communication, are crucial.
Commend offers specially developed IP-based loudspeakers for direct communication with those affected on site. In this way, problems can be solved or de-escalated in no time at all, and damage and consequential costs can be avoided from the outset.

Audio and speech: effective helpers when it comes to safety
In escalating situations or criminal acts, the perpetrators often feel unrecognised. In this case, the direct address via loudspeaker provides a moment of surprise, which the staff member at the control desk can use to de-escalate the situation.
Through rapid preventive intervention via Commend "Talking Cameras" with two-way loudspeakers, helpers can considerably defuse the situation more quickly and subsequently possibly even save lives.

- Increased security and prevention or mitigation of criminal acts

Police / Emergency forces
- Immediate response in the urban area thanks to acoustic presence on site
- Effective security precautions and avoidance of unnecessary operations according to the principle "prevention is better than reaction"
- In dangerous situations, passers-by, citizens and tourists can be actively informed over a wide area and people can be steered away from a dangerous situation - e.g. during an act of terrorism or an impending natural disaster
- Comprehensive situation and hazard assessment through verification and communication with people in the field
- Speak and listen in both directions for direct contact with people on site

Municipal facilities
- Perimeter protection along fences and walls (protection of critical infrastructure)
- Immediate response thanks to permanent acoustic presence with live announcements on site - also helps to save personnel costs
- Automatically triggered warning announcements are also possible via sensor or video analytics, e.g. when a person approaches
- Use of loudspeakers in everyday life for advertising or information announcements and music in leisure facilities
Network Loudspeaker and Unified PA
The IP speakers can be easily and seamlessly integrated into Commend Intercom systems and VoIP/SIP PBX systems. New functions can be easily added via software download.
The AFLS 10H HG IP horn speaker is specially designed for speech transmission in harsh indoor and outdoor environments. The integrated microphone enables, among other things, audio functions such as IVC (Intelligent Volume Control) for automatic adjustment of the volume to ambient noise - even during playback.