Reporting and Statistics Module
Back to StudioComREPORT logs all system events and provides customized statistics to the operator. The comprehensive system archive can be accessed and compiled into reports. This allows you to easily learn and optimise your operational efficiency and supports you in your personnel planning.
This module is perfect if audio communication needs to be documented in written form and/or if the system performance needs to be analyzed/investigated. Central reports are call statistics and operator performance, as well as call times, duration, and location of the incoming call, etc.
This module is easily integrated and directly accessible without the need for any external tool.
Check your service quality and identify weaknesses immediately with ComREPORT!

Module Description
- Consistent logging of all events and data on the Intercom System
- Statistical data analysis for Intercom systems, Emergency Call system and Call Centre systems
- Check the number of calls: Temporal distribution over days/weeks/months/years
- Check call waiting times: This indicates the customer's waiting time before the call was answered
- Assess operator performance: This registers the log-in times, calculated average call duration, number of calls processed and call details
- Make use of 10 GB of data storage with license-free Microsoft® SQL Server 2014 Express
- Profit from the Report Designer for custom designing reportS